
Aceites del Valleis one of the major trading and
model companies of the olive oil industry in Argentina.

The ADV Network

We have an integrated network of producers and manufacturing plants in Córdoba, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan and Mendoza, and together we have developed strategic alliances which enable us to strengthen our own production volume, thus satisfying the great demand for oil.


FSSC 22000
Certificación Kosher Kosher
Nuestros varietales Arbequina, Picual, Frantoio, Barnea, Coratina and Arauco, among others.
Nuestros blends Blends of varietals. Blend of refined olive oil and extra-virgin olive varietals. Cuts according to the technical specification required by the customer.
Customized Developments
Desarrollos a medida The ADV Technical Department has specialists in developing and testing specific blends intended to the food industry, following customers’ requirements.

From the plantation to the customer

Selection and Production
ADV cares for the complete production process, from olive selection at the plantation to transport to processing plants.
Oil is transported by tanker trucks from mills to the storage site. Once there, it is tested again to ensure the quality has not been altered. Each oil variety is stored in separate tanks until final manufacturing, according to each customer’s requirements.
Continuous Control
During preparation for shipment, the product is retested to check its compliance with all specifications from the customer.